Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What They Don't Want You To Know About Laundry Detergent


 Do not do another load of laundry until you read this letter. If you take 4 minutes to read this crucial information, it will change your life, take your health to a new level, and save yourself a great deal of money that most people simply flush down the drain...

Hi, my name is Ryan. Just a few years ago I began to get seriously suspicious of laundry detergents, and began to do my own research. I'm so glad that I did, because the information I'm about to share with you made our lives so much easier, and has saved my family over $900 over those 2 years. We're also much, much healthier now... you too can do the same and join the magnetic laundry revolution.

Before I tell you how you can join the "magnetic laundry" revolution, and never buy laundry detergent again(even if you buy the 'natural' stuff now), let's start with some cold hard facts:

2008 Shocking Report Reveals:
 Cancer Causing Chemicals
Found In Laundry Detergent!

On July 24th, 2008, the University of Washington did a study on leading detergents.
What they found is that 99% of laundry detergents released cancer causing chemicals that are legally hazardous and toxic by the EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)

Most of them were NOT on the label. 

That's the scary part.

Many detergent companies use top-secret formulas that contain the very same chemicals listed as hazardous. They call it something else, yet it's still the same toxic stuff.

The most deadly of all these chemicals is something called nonylphenol ethoxylate. I know, it's a mouth-full! I can't even spell it it... and... this chemical is so toxic... 
It's BANNED in Canada, and in ALL of Europe! Yet the United States continues its use.
It's is a major ingredient in pesticides. It's used to KILL.
It is extremely harmful to your body because it imitates the hormone 'estrogen'
When these artificial hormone like chemicals get into your blood stream through your skin, they start to cause serious damage to your body.
The Journal of Pesticide Reform shows strong evidence that these chemicals cause severe damage to heart and muscle function.
Before I go on any further, let me answer a question I get all the time:

How These Chemicals May Damage
Your Health And Your Body

History of Laundry Detergent

Sixty years ago, it was discovered that chemical technology could change the molecular structure of water with the introduction of the very first laundry detergent. It was understood that you needed to lower the surface tension of the water to allow it to clean better. This was achieved by using chemical surfactants . The concept behind  the Life Miracle Laundry System is that you can achieve similar results with our unique magnetic technology without chemicals. The Laundry System alters the normal state of water with permanent, renewable magnetic force rather harsh chemicals.

Washing your clothes without the use of chemical laundry detergent is an extraordinary, paradigm-shifting concept. The subject of magnetic hydrodynamics is not new, it dates back many centuries (first being used in countries where chemical capabilities for water conditioning were less developed). We are not the first to understand the value of a magnetic field to change the molecular structure of water, but we are the first to utilize it in this very specific and significant way to benefit the environment and people's health. We believe strongly in making an investment in renewable technology that can effectively last for many decades rather than profiteering from vast volumes of petrochemicals derived from crude oil.

What are the advantages of the Laundry System over laundry detergent?

No Harsh Chemicals--

Non Polluting--

Non Toxic--

Non Irritating--

Color Safe--

No Rinse Cycle Needed--

Will Not Damage Fabrics--

Convenient and Economical--

Easy To Use--

Environmentally Friendly 


The Magic of Toxic Optical Brighteners:

Optical brighteners are a major component of all leading laundry detergent brands.  They are chemicals which make your clothes appear brighter, whiter, and shinier.Optical brighteners leave a residue of molecules that reflect ultraviolet light from your clothing. 

The detergents are not providing a deeper clean to brighten fabrics; they are leaving yet another layer of chemicals to give the appearance of vivid color.
If you were to strip laundry detergents of optical brighteners, you’d probably find they don’t clean that well at all.

So really, anytime you see an ad for a new laundry detergent “enhanced whitening formula” being pushed on the market, what they’re really saying is “we’ve put even more optical brighteners in this time!” or “we’ve got a new optical brightening formula in here!”

The reason why they use optical brighteners is because if they DIDN’T, you would be horrified, your clothes would fade and lose all their colors in a week, as the other toxic chemicals in detergent are super corrosive.  

The optical brighteners make your clothes appear “shiny” so you continue using the detergent thinking nothing is wrong.

And as you wash your clothes more and more, more and more layers of optical brighteners build up on your clothes for a shinier effect.This is what they mean when they say “Our stuff makes your colors last longer!”

Negative Health Effects of Optical Brighteners people with sensitive skin often experience irritation and develop skin rashes from optical brighteners.

Because many people assume this is some sort of allergy, they opt  for detergents that market “hypo-allergenic” formulas. 

The problem with such detergents  is that many of them actually contain ingredients to mask undesirable chemical odors.

In the end, every laundry detergent brand is basically selling the same thing. Some just have a different mix of optical brighteners to create a better illusion.  

Some may clean a little better, but that’s because they have stronger and more corroding toxic chemicals.

The saddest part is that today, over 61% of all tested water streams in the US contain different forms of NP chemicals.

Most of these come from wastewater from laundry detergent being flushed down the drain, entering the water system, including our drinking water.

Watch Demonstration Video Here

Order Yours Now And Stop Wasting Money & Health On Laundry Detergent

Mulitple System Discount


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