Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Freedom From Chemicals Save Money , Your Health, and The Environment

COMPLETELY REUSABLE!... One package of two Laundry System units can be used over and over again and even come with a Manufacturer's Lifetime Warranty!

POWERFUL & EFFECTIVE!...Detergent-Free Cleaning Action. Economical, Environmentally Safe and Very Easy To Use!

CHEMICAL-FREE!...Great for infants, children and people with Chemical Sensitivities and allergies. Eliminate chemical related health problems by using alternatives to the chemicals.  Reduce the amount of chemicals that are around your children and pets in your home.

MAY INCREASE LIFE OF FABRICS!...No breakdown in the tensile strength of your fabrics from potentially harsh petrochemicals. Most people have a significant investment in their wardrobe and your clothes may last longer! 

MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER--THE LAUNDRY SYSTEM IS CONVENIENT AND EASY TO USE!...Just place the Laundry System units In your washer and turn it on. No heavy and expensive detergents to lug from the store, and no more messy chemical spills in the laundry room.

SAVES THE ENVIRONMENT, WATER, MONEY & YOUR HEALTH!...No extra rinse cycle is necessary because there are no chemicals to rinse out. This may save you 20-40 gallons of water with every wash load, the electricity to run the extra cycle, the gas to heat the water and the added sewer costs! With rising utility, energy and water costs, bypassing the rinse cycle could save you a small fortune. Imagine the environmental and financial benefits of saving that much water every single time you wash your clothes!

The Magic of Toxic Optical Brighteners  Optical brighteners are a major component of all leading laundry detergent brands.  They are chemicals which make your clothes appear brighter, whiter, and shinier.

Optical brighteners leave a residue of molecules that reflect ultraviolet light from your clothing. The detergents are not providing a deeper clean to brighten fabrics; they are leaving yet another layer of chemicals to give the appearance of vivid color.
If you were to strip laundry detergents of optical brighteners, you’d probably find they don’t clean that well at all.
So really, anytime you see an ad for a new laundry detergent “enhanced whitening formula” being pushed on the market, what they’re really saying is “we’ve put even more optical brighteners in this time!” or “we’ve got a new optical brightening formula in here!”
The reason why they use optical brighteners is because if they DIDN’T, you would be horrified, your clothes would fade and lose all their colors in a week, as the other toxic chemicals in detergent are super corrosive.  The optical brighteners make your clothes appear “shiny” so you continue using the detergent thinking nothing is wrong.  And as you wash your clothes more and more, more and more layers of optical brighteners build up on your clothes for a shinier effect.
This is what they mean when they say “Our stuff makes your colors last longer!”

Negative Health Effects of Optical Brighteners

People with sensitive skin often experience irritation and develop skin rashes from optical brighteners. Because many people assume this is some sort of allergy, they opt  for detergents that market “hypo-allergenic” formulas. The problem with such detergents  is that many of them actually contain ingredients to mask undesirable chemical odors.
In the end, every laundry detergent brand is basically selling the same thing. Some just have a different mix of optical brighteners to create a better illusion.  Some may clean a little better, but that’s because they have stronger and more corroding toxic chemicals.
The saddest part is that today, over 61% of all tested water streams in the US contain different forms of NP chemicals. Most of these come from wastewater from laundry detergent being flushed down the drain, entering the water system, including our drinking water.

When these chemicals come in contact with your body they cause serious harm, because like most toxic chemicals they mess with your hormones, imitating the hormone estrogen.
The bottom line is this: This chemical is extremely harmful to your health. If you use laundry detergent, what you may not know is that 80% of the detergent soaks into your clothing and is never rinsed off. There it sits and rubs over your skin 16 hours every day.  If you care about your health, stop using detergent, try alternatives, the magnetic laundry system is a perfect solution.

“Each year, laundry product formulators use billions of pounds of chemical ingredients to make cleaning products. Ultimately, laundries release these chemicals to the environment in their waste water. The EPA is concerned about the effect chemicals in the waste water might have on the quality of aquatic and sediment life, the biodegradability of laundry effluents and laundry worker health and safety.--United States Environmental Protection Agency

Laundry Detergents Use Misleading Advertising, 
Praying On Public's Ignorance.

You may also find that you do not need softeners or static cling removers because there are no chemicals stiffening your clothing. And most importantly, no potentially harmful petrochemicals released into the environment or onto your clothes! It Can Save You $756.00 Or More In Laundry Detergent Costs Alone every 24 months, and even MORE potential savings in water, electric, sewage and gas.

PATENTED AND INDEPENDENTLY PROVEN!...There is no other non-detergent laundry technology in existence that has two United States Patents and is proven in Independent Laboratory Testing. You have never seen, heard about or tried anything like it before!

LIFETIME WARRANTY AND UNCONDITIONAL RISK-FREE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!...If you aren't completely convinced that the Laundry System cleans as good or better than your favorite laundry detergent, you can send it back for a full product refund! AND it comes with a LIFETIME WARRANTY so you will never need to purchase another system!

WILL WORK IN VIRTUALLY ANY TYPE OF HOME (AND LAUNDROMAT) SIZED WASHING MACHINES...Whether you use a top loader or front loader, USA or international brand washer--plastic water drum, aluminum, stainless steel or other metal--the Laundry System will work in all of them. They do not need to "stick" to the drum to work properly. Just follow the instructions in your laundry system kit for great results! If you have any questions before you buy, please read our Frequently Asked Questions.

"Chemicals have replaced bacteria and viruses as the main threat to health.  The diseases we are beginning to see as the major causes of death in the latter part of (the 20th century) and into the 21st century are diseases of chemical origin." 
 -- Dr. Dick Irwin, Toxicologist, Texas A&M University

Q.What about smell? Will my clothes have a nice, perfumey scent with the Laundry System?
A. There is no scent added when using the Laundry System. Clothes essentially smell like clothes hung out on a clothesline to dry with the Laundry System. The truth is, clean clothes smell like nothing. They don't smell like perfume. And most people significantly overkill with these scents.
  They use detergents, spot removers and bleach with perfumes in their washing machine, then they use fabric softeners and/or dryer sheets in the dryer which add even more perfumes. Then they wash their bodies with scented soaps and shampoos, and towel off with their scented towel (after they slept all night in perfumed sheets and pillowcases). Then after all of that, they apply perfumed deodorant and spray on their favorite cologne. This is simply too many chemicals on the body, and sometimes the body may rebel with rashes, respiratory issues or illness.

  If you absolutely cannot live without a scent on your clothes, then just use one scented dryer sheet. There is simply no reason to pile all of the other scented chemicals on your clothes. And you need to know that most of these may be unhealthy for your skin and respiratory system, so the less you use, the better off you probably are--especially if you are chemically sensitive. Some of those red eyes, rashes and runny noses are not because of allergies, but due to the perfume and petrochemicals left behind in your clothes.

Q.How long will my laundry system last?
A. Life Miracle Laundry System® was designed and engineered to give you many decades of service, and save you thousands of dollars on not buying laundry detergents.  In the process, you will be preventing thousands of pounds of chemicals from being dumped into our water supply and from being imbued in your garments, which may create a dramatically positive effect on your family’s health if eliminated.

Q. What is the lifetime warranty and risk free trial all about?
A.  Since Life Miracle Laundry System® may be a new concept to you, we take all risk out of trying the product and comparing it to your favorite laundry detergent. And once you’ve tried the product and love it, we also guarantee the quality of the product with the lifetime warranty, and still give it to you at a very reasonable price.

      I make absolutely sure my customers have nothing to lose, and I completely take your risk out of the equation and put it on me. You, the user, are the ultimate arbiter of what cleaning solutions you are happiest with using in your home, and I want you to have the option to continue to use this product if it works better for you, or the freedom to go back to detergent if you so wish with absolutely no financial loss on your part. Don’t be afraid to try something that can significantly improve your life!

By using this product, you are making the world a better, healthier and cleaner place, and you may be positively impacting the health of your family for years to come. Over many years of use, you will personally prevent flushing thousands of pounds of chemicals into our irreplaceable fresh water supply. That is a significant impact that you can very easily make on your own. Every little bit helps, and we will all be working together towards a future where our children and grandchildren will inherit a cleaner and healthier planet.

Here Are Testimonials From Real Life Users Of The Laundry System.These Folks Are Just Like You and Their Feedback Will Give You Honest Insight Into What Some Actual Families Think Of Using the Product In Their Own Home!:

"Fantastic! Wash comes out clean and fresh. Three men in the house and even their underwear smells clean!!!" S.R. Thornlie, W.A. Australia

"ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. We have not used, or plan on using laundry detergent ever again. The laundry seems, and is, cleaner than it has ever been." T.B. Pleasantville, NY

"Very good. Clothes appear brighter. As clean or cleaner without soaps." C.A. Cedarville, NJ

"We love it. No detergent needed. I have saved a lot of money. Great product--it is the real deal." A.N. Phoenix, AZ

"I was leery at first. I tried them for a week. My husband drives a dump truck and gets dirty and stinky. Lo and behold, no dirt and NO STINK!! And talk about savings on detergent. It will pay for itself in about 1 1/2 months." D.C. Plumerville, AR


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations. The information is provided for educational purposes only. Benefits may vary from one person to another.


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