Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What They Don't Want You To Know About Laundry Detergent


 Do not do another load of laundry until you read this letter. If you take 4 minutes to read this crucial information, it will change your life, take your health to a new level, and save yourself a great deal of money that most people simply flush down the drain...

Hi, my name is Ryan. Just a few years ago I began to get seriously suspicious of laundry detergents, and began to do my own research. I'm so glad that I did, because the information I'm about to share with you made our lives so much easier, and has saved my family over $900 over those 2 years. We're also much, much healthier now... you too can do the same and join the magnetic laundry revolution.

Before I tell you how you can join the "magnetic laundry" revolution, and never buy laundry detergent again(even if you buy the 'natural' stuff now), let's start with some cold hard facts:

2008 Shocking Report Reveals:
 Cancer Causing Chemicals
Found In Laundry Detergent!

On July 24th, 2008, the University of Washington did a study on leading detergents.
What they found is that 99% of laundry detergents released cancer causing chemicals that are legally hazardous and toxic by the EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)

Most of them were NOT on the label. 

That's the scary part.

Many detergent companies use top-secret formulas that contain the very same chemicals listed as hazardous. They call it something else, yet it's still the same toxic stuff.

The most deadly of all these chemicals is something called nonylphenol ethoxylate. I know, it's a mouth-full! I can't even spell it it... and... this chemical is so toxic... 
It's BANNED in Canada, and in ALL of Europe! Yet the United States continues its use.
It's is a major ingredient in pesticides. It's used to KILL.
It is extremely harmful to your body because it imitates the hormone 'estrogen'
When these artificial hormone like chemicals get into your blood stream through your skin, they start to cause serious damage to your body.
The Journal of Pesticide Reform shows strong evidence that these chemicals cause severe damage to heart and muscle function.
Before I go on any further, let me answer a question I get all the time:

How These Chemicals May Damage
Your Health And Your Body

History of Laundry Detergent

Sixty years ago, it was discovered that chemical technology could change the molecular structure of water with the introduction of the very first laundry detergent. It was understood that you needed to lower the surface tension of the water to allow it to clean better. This was achieved by using chemical surfactants . The concept behind  the Life Miracle Laundry System is that you can achieve similar results with our unique magnetic technology without chemicals. The Laundry System alters the normal state of water with permanent, renewable magnetic force rather harsh chemicals.

Washing your clothes without the use of chemical laundry detergent is an extraordinary, paradigm-shifting concept. The subject of magnetic hydrodynamics is not new, it dates back many centuries (first being used in countries where chemical capabilities for water conditioning were less developed). We are not the first to understand the value of a magnetic field to change the molecular structure of water, but we are the first to utilize it in this very specific and significant way to benefit the environment and people's health. We believe strongly in making an investment in renewable technology that can effectively last for many decades rather than profiteering from vast volumes of petrochemicals derived from crude oil.

What are the advantages of the Laundry System over laundry detergent?

No Harsh Chemicals--

Non Polluting--

Non Toxic--

Non Irritating--

Color Safe--

No Rinse Cycle Needed--

Will Not Damage Fabrics--

Convenient and Economical--

Easy To Use--

Environmentally Friendly 


The Magic of Toxic Optical Brighteners:

Optical brighteners are a major component of all leading laundry detergent brands.  They are chemicals which make your clothes appear brighter, whiter, and shinier.Optical brighteners leave a residue of molecules that reflect ultraviolet light from your clothing. 

The detergents are not providing a deeper clean to brighten fabrics; they are leaving yet another layer of chemicals to give the appearance of vivid color.
If you were to strip laundry detergents of optical brighteners, you’d probably find they don’t clean that well at all.

So really, anytime you see an ad for a new laundry detergent “enhanced whitening formula” being pushed on the market, what they’re really saying is “we’ve put even more optical brighteners in this time!” or “we’ve got a new optical brightening formula in here!”

The reason why they use optical brighteners is because if they DIDN’T, you would be horrified, your clothes would fade and lose all their colors in a week, as the other toxic chemicals in detergent are super corrosive.  

The optical brighteners make your clothes appear “shiny” so you continue using the detergent thinking nothing is wrong.

And as you wash your clothes more and more, more and more layers of optical brighteners build up on your clothes for a shinier effect.This is what they mean when they say “Our stuff makes your colors last longer!”

Negative Health Effects of Optical Brighteners people with sensitive skin often experience irritation and develop skin rashes from optical brighteners.

Because many people assume this is some sort of allergy, they opt  for detergents that market “hypo-allergenic” formulas. 

The problem with such detergents  is that many of them actually contain ingredients to mask undesirable chemical odors.

In the end, every laundry detergent brand is basically selling the same thing. Some just have a different mix of optical brighteners to create a better illusion.  

Some may clean a little better, but that’s because they have stronger and more corroding toxic chemicals.

The saddest part is that today, over 61% of all tested water streams in the US contain different forms of NP chemicals.

Most of these come from wastewater from laundry detergent being flushed down the drain, entering the water system, including our drinking water.

Watch Demonstration Video Here

Order Yours Now And Stop Wasting Money & Health On Laundry Detergent

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How Does It Work

How Does The Detergent Free Laundry System Work?

The Detergent Free® Magnetic Laundry System works under a unique means of water maintenance through direct application of magnetic force. Water has long been known as the "universal solvent". The Laundry System incorporates powerful, specially calibrated magnetism to help alter the basic nature of water and increase its natural solvency.

In the 1950's, It was found that chemicals could change the molecular structure of water with the world's first laundry detergent. It was understood that you needed to reduce the surface tension of the water to help it to clean better. The concept behind the Detergent Free Miracle Laundry System is that you can achieve similar results with our unique magnetic technology without chemicals. 

On an atomic level, everything is affected by magnetics. The Detergent Free Miracle® Laundry System cleans garments by utilizing these principles rather than harsh and expensive laundry detergent chemicals.

laundry detergent
First of all, we need to dispel a commonly held myth, the myth that laundry detergents are natural soaps. You need to know that you are not washing your clothes with soaps, and you probably never have in your lifetime. 

Detergents are not soaps. They are actually petrochemicals derived from crude oil. Water is the universal solvent. Water is what ultimately cleans your clothes whether you use laundry detergents, or the Magnetic Laundry System. All these products do is help water to clean better.

The concept behind the Detergent Free Miracle Laundry System is that you can achieve similar results using a chemical-free, completely renewable magnetic basis, without using non-renewable petrochemicals. Magnetic force is one of the most powerful forces on earth. In fact, the earth itself is like a giant magnet with a north and south pole.

 It is an amazing source of natural energy. 

Even the weak magnets on your refrigerator defy the force of gravity without batteries or being plugged into any power source. They will stay on your refrigerator, doing work and holding up papers for decades with no external power source. Where does all this natural power come from? From the environment around us. It is completely renewable and totally free.

 We are simply harnessing that amazing force and focusing it in your home washing machine to affect the water. At an atomic level, everything is affected by magnetics. All you need to do it try is for yourself and see the results with your own eyes.

You will never need to buy another set of Laundry System units because they operate from a renewable, permanent magnetic source. Laundry detergents work to clean your clothes, but are non-renewable petrochemicals and may create health and environmental risks by potentially poisonous chemical by-products.

The Laundry System is not only renewable for your laundry, but for your pocketbook as well. No more wasting money on detergents month after month, year after year. The laundry balls are also extremely convenient and easy to transport to the laundromat.

Washing your clothes without the use of harsh chemical laundry detergents is amazing technology. We truly believe in doing laundry with a natural and renewable process that can last for many decades rather than non-renewable, and ecologically questionable, synthetic chemicals.

The Detergent Free ® Laundry System is not an "ordinary" magnetic system. It is made of special materials adopted specifically for use in a washing machine. We are able to offer a lifetime warranty only because our unique production methods and patented processes have been proven to work time and time again. No other technology can do what the Detergent Free Miracle® Laundry System can.

The Detergent Free Miracle ® Laundry System is patented and made with the highest quality materials. the system is engineered and built to give you many decades of effective service.

Watch Video Here


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Miracle Laundry System Testimonials "Real Results"

Here Are Testimonials From Real Life Users Of The Laundry System.These Folks Are Just Like You and Their Feedback Will Give You Honest Insight Into What Some Actual Families Think Of Using the Product In Their Own Home!:
"Fantastic! Wash comes out clean and fresh. Three men in the house and even their underwear smells clean!!!" S.R. Thornlie, W.A. Australia

"ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. We have not used, or plan on using laundry detergent ever again. The laundry seems, and is, cleaner than it has ever been." T.B. Pleasantville, NY

"Very good. Clothes appear brighter. As clean or cleaner without soaps." C.A. Cedarville, NJ

"We love it. No detergent needed. I have saved a lot of money. Great product--it is the real deal." A.N. Phoenix, AZ

"I was leery at first. I tried them for a week. My husband drives a dump truck and gets dirty and stinky. Lo and behold, no dirt and NO STINK!! And talk about savings on detergent. It will pay for itself in about 1 1/2 months." D.C. Plumerville, AR

"I was totally amazed with clean, fresh white clothes and clean bright colors without detergent!" D.N.C. Gainesville, FL

"Even after reading testimonials etc., I was still amazed. Clothes come out really nice and clean. We raise animals so after doing chores, sometimes our clothes are really dirty!" J.O. Ft. Dodge, IA

"Whites are white, brights are bright and everything smells clean! Thank you!" R.W. Thompsontown, PA

"Dry cleaning clothes came out very good. Rugs very clean. Also, my son's work clothes (he works with cement) came out veryvery clean. He works a lot with metal. Thank you -- love it!" I.P. Phoenix, AZ

"Amazing! No more rashes, sneezing—and really clean clothes." C.D. Webb City, MO

"Bought for myself. Used first at my Veterinary Clinic because I didn't believe it would work. It worked so well, I got two more sets! One for me at home, and one for my daughter. The one at the clinic stayed at the clinic!" F.M.W. Chenango Forks, NY

"I couldn't believe it till I started using them. I love them." J.L. Dover, PA

"I am impressed - works well - clothes getting softer! Ordered two sets for my mother and daughter." R. & D. N. Canton, OH

"Absolutely super! Especially for my children with skin problems." P.N.V. Soest, The Netherlands

"This product is freaking me out - it really works! Thank you!" L.W. Titusville, FL

"This has been a really amazing experience. The clothes came out clean without soap!!! Thank you so much for creating this system." E.F. Blue Bell, PA

"I'm really satisfied! Eliminates odor static. Revives color. Clothes are really soft!" H.L. Mont St. Hilaire, QC Canada

"Outstanding. Clothes are much whiter." J.P. Surprise, AZ

"Fabulous. Hard to believe. Where can I purchase more?" K.R. Janesville, IA

"Magnificent! Wish I'd known about them sooner. Recommending them to friends and relatives." A.J.T-H.  Cleveland QLD Australia

"Very pleased. Got chocolate out and new clothes stayed colorfast." L.J.  Clever, MO
"Very, very clean! Unbelievable!" M.D. Brossard, QC Canada

"It works as well as detergent. I have tested it (and) I am completely satisfied." L.B. Sr. Menifee, AR

"Could not believe it would clean clothes. Used it and found it to be great to use. Leaves clothes soft and smelling nice." A.D. LaPorte, IN

"I am very happy and the result of my laundry is perfect." A.L. Hoegaarden, Belgium

"Surprised how well it worked. Clothes (are) clean. No static in the dryer." U. & D.Q. Brookville, ON Canada

"Laundry is really clean. We’re saving money in using less water, less electricity and no detergents." M.J. Baltimore, MD

"Love it! Could not believe how fresh and clean the clothes are—even my husband’s painting pants" W.C. Dover, PA

"Clothes came out clean. NO SMELL among my sweaty exercise clothes!" J.S. Sebastopol. CA

"Wonderful! Plumbing uniforms and son’s wet sheets – ALL clean!" A.S. Amherst, VA

"My clothes were clean and smelled fresh. I couldn't believe it!" L.C. Rio Rancho, NM

"I love the clean smell of the clothes and how it takes the left over soap out of the clothes!" M.B. Valley City, OH

"Surprised at how well it really works." B.K. Etobroke, ON

"This is great!! No static when clothes came out of the dryer." D.T. Havre de Grace, MD

"I am totally amazed, pleased (and) satisfied. I want to tell everyone. My (laundry) is clean and bright. Thank you." B.K. King City, ON

"I am happy with the results using the balls with ordinary clothes. They look and smell clean."  A.C. Eskridge, KS

"FANTASTIC! There is NO STATIC in the clothes. It is CLEAN! NO SCENT! GREAT!" G.L. Ste-Therese, QC

"Totally satisfied. Laundry is just as clean as with powder I used to use. I also love that clothes do not have a detergent odour." H.O. Ireland

"I was really surprised. Works very well! Easy to bring to the laundromat" R.C.H. Barboursville, WV

"Nice product. Unbelievable." S.P. Roseneath, Canada

"Very impressed and surprised with the results. Great for the environment (our water ways)" Arundel Gold Coast, Queensland Australia

"I'm very excited about the advantage to the environment and the financial savings. Also they make the laundry process easier." P.H. Scarborough, ON

"Excellent product. Good results in hard water." B.E. Tottenham, ON

"Very impressed! Clothes are soft, clean and residue free. I'll spread the word!"  M.H.  Peterborough, Canada

"It was a pleasant surprise. It works very well." N.A. Freeland, MD

"Very good. Cleans like advertised." M.M. Framingham, MA

"Excellent. Will never use detergent again!" A.M. Ottawa, ON

"Am absolutely amazed at the results, very happy with my wash balls. " B. & T. S. Queensland, Australia

"We love the laundry balls! They clean beautifully and our laundry smells so fresh! We're delighted not to purchase/use detergent!" G.S. Windsor, SC

"Excellent results! What good news for us and the environment! Thank you!" J.R. Quebec, Canada

"Still waiting for a miracle cleanser to remove the red clay from our jungle soils here in Costa Rica, but the laundry magnets are just as good as detergent and I am thrilled to be saving energy and water and reducing contamination. Thanks!" L.S. Costa Rica

"I'm very happy with your system. My clothes are cleaner and softer than with detergent. I not only wash clothes without detergent, but also without fabric softener. I think (the) Magnetic Laundry System is terrific!" E.A. New Port Richey, FL

"Very clean. I'm impressed. Let's get the word out about this product!" C.C. Colville, WA

"Cleans as well as detergent. Very satisfied!" S.W. Evansville, IN

"Great results! And we're saving a lot of money on detergent!" A.L.S. Skogsvag, Norway

"I was skeptical at first, but after a test run with the dirtiest clothes I could find, I'm a believer! Great product." B.R. J.C.

"It's amazing! If I had a choice between a lifetime of free detergent or my magnets, I would keep the magnets." N.W. Guthrie, OK

"I love it. Clothes look brighter, even my old clothes. Thank you!" B.P. Kansas City, KS

"Super easy. Whites brighter, colors brighter. Can't wait to tell family and friends." J.J. Phoenix, AZ

"Just great. I am not sure when I purchased them, but sometime in the last 1 1/2 years and I love them! Clothes come out clean and fresh smelling, not perfumey!" P.D. Montclair, NJ

"Very good! (I) work in a machine shop. Pants get oily and all came out clean!" P.R. Kalamazoo, MI

"I love my magnets. They truly clean my wash. No more detergent for me!" L.T. Downey, CA

More Laundry System Testimonials From Real Life Users and Customers:
"Very surprising. Clothes very clean." L.C.M. Ste-Martine, QC, Canada

"Surprised at no suds - Amazed at the clothes becoming clean. Love being able to leave the two laundry magnets in the washer. Thanks to you." D.W. Chicago, IL
"It's fantastic!" M.T. Christchurch, New Zealand

"Could not believe my eyes." F.F. West Chester, PA

"My husband loves the fact that he uses them with no detergent and his clothes come out clean and with no smell. A hunter's dream come true!" S.C. Lubbock, TX

"...the word "miracle" is appropriate since the results were startling. Not only a successful wash with no detergent for the first time in my life but (did I imagine this?) I thought the results were cleaner than usual!...I have been rapturous in promoting your product to everyone I know. They are remarkable and very strongly appeal to my ecological nature." K.H. Bristol, UK

"Coffee stained pants came out clean. Pants made with spandex came out "not stiff". Hooray!" G.B.B. Westport, ON

"Excellent—I don’t understand why they are not used by everyone." M.S. Cornwall, ON Canada

"Washed blanket on which a dog had urinated. Came out beautifully clean and smelled great." K.L. Fircrest, WA

"Excellent. Appreciate for baby clothes washing." S.J. Gatineau, PQ Canada

"I love the clean smell of the clothes and how it takes the left over soap out of the clothes!" M.B. Valley City, OH

"I like this product. No chemicals (and they) clean very good. Thank you." T.F. Milwaukie, OR

"I used it to wash a pair of my husband's work jeans and was delighted to see how clean they came." C.S. Norwich, NY

"I love It! I'm very satisfied!" A.C. Levis, QC Canada

"Nice product. Unbelieveable." S.P. Roseneath, Canada

"Am absolutely amazed at the results, very happy with my wash balls. " B. & T. S. Toowoomba QLD Australia

"Noticable savings; clothes are clean smelling." M.M. Felton, PA

"The laundry was perfectly clean and I was curious about the smell and that was surprisingly fresh!!" M. A.W. Kapellen, Belgium

"Very pleased. Saves money, cleans just fine!!" E.L. Wolfeboro, NH

"I am more than pleased with results. As a result, I am recommending it widely." J.M.S. Wurtulla, QLD Australia

"I have used the laundry balls and I was very happy, my clothes were clear and they hadn't bad smell. Thank you."M.G. Busto Arsizio, Valencia Italy

"I was very pleased. Clothes smelled fresh and felt soft." S.G. Luna Pier, MI

"I am very pleased. I used it from March until now (note: almost 1 year) and the results are very good. My compliments for this product." R.G. Limburg, Belgium

"Washed sheets and towels. Came out clean and smelled fresh." S.L. Tacoma, WA

"I love the laundry ball--saves me lots of money--no longer need laundry soap." M.C. Yuma, AZ

"Excellent." K.J. Markham ON, Canada

"Extremely good result even at 30º Celsius" K.V. Parranquet, France

"They work as good as detergent." A.R. Redwood Valley, CA

"I like it because it is easy to use and efficient. " G.S. Windsor, SC

"Excellent! Saves money (and) hassles with detergent messes." T.S. Bear Creek, PA

"This is great! No static when clothes came out of the dryer." D.T. Havre de Grace, MD

"I washed 2 large loads of sheets...GOOD RESULTS. No different than when I used detergents and detergent boosters." H.R. Ontario, Canada

"I’m very happy about it. Friends of (mine) are going to order it too!!" H.M. Belgium
"Great! Congratulations." M.V.E. Groot-Bejgaarden, Belgium

"Blue spots came off on a pair of white shorts." G.D. York, PA

"We like it, it works." B.B. Harrisburg, PA

"Did very good work on laundry." W.W. Denison, TX

"I was immediately impressed by the clean clothes. They were soft." L.S.S. Victor Harbor, S.A. Australia

"Fabulous." T.C. Waukegan, IL

"Very nice so far very soft clothes! No scent, yeah!" N.S. & K.A. Montreal QC, Canada

"Amazing! Excellent product!." K.B. Milton ON, Canada

"OUTSTANDING!" J.A. Chandler, AZ

"Excellent. Saves a lot of water also."  L.J. Coffs Harbour, NSW Australia

"They really work--makes laundry fun." K.C. West Boylston, MA

"Worked very well. At least as well as detergent." J.H. Toronto ON, Canada

"Very impressed! Thank you! Fantastic!." C.L. & P.I. Wolfville NS, Canada
"Awesome." D.C. Roanoke, TX

"I'm cleaning soiled diapers & this works just as good as the environmentally friendly versions of detergent. It's nice not to have to worry about baby's skin.." M.L. Hanceville, AL

"Clothes smell clean and seem bright." L.C. Montreal, QC Canada
"Excellent, couldn't be happier" H.R. Windsor, Victoria Australia
"I didn't use soap or fabric softener and my clothes were clean and soft after the wash." S.Y. Grimsby ON, Canada

"Clothes softer, no detergent residue smell. Clean." D.F. Toronto ON, Canada

"The washer balls does the job even in warm water." G.G. London ON, Canada

"Initial experience -"encouraging". Results -"Fantastic"" J.D.B. Pottspoint Sydney Australia
"Very easy to use, regular loads clean, soft feeling." K.S. Toronto ON, Canada
"Works great. Love it." D.S. Prescott Valley, AZ
"Laundry very clean. Congratulations!" G.I. Montreal, QC Canada

"Unbelievable product." S.B. Menifee, AR

"Colours are brighter, removes old detergent residue." D.W. Mississauga, ON Canada

"It does what it says. It does clean the clothes." C.S. Phoenix, AZ

"Seems to work well. Cleans like soap would, but without soap." P.Q. Rio Rancho, NM

"I was really surprised. Works very well! Easy to bring to the laundromat" R.C.H. Barboursville, WV

"It’s wonderful. Very good result!" B.M.C. Ovl, Belgium

"Excellent!" L.B. Bidwell, OH

"It’s a very good alternative to wash for people who care for nature" V.B.R.  Belgium

"Washed husband’s clothes after yardwork.  Was surprised they came out clean!" R.S. Warrior, AL

"Amazing! Doubted that it would work as well as it does.  Thanks, will pay for itself in a year."      D.M.S.  Harrisburg, PA

"Extremely pleased. It works exactly as claimed."   M.L.  Quebec, Canada

"Excellent!  I am very satisfied and have recommended this product to many people."     A.R.S.  Trucksville, PA

"I find it amazing.  Pleased how nice the wash is." B.D. Sr.  Hancock, MD

"Fantastic!"  I.S.N.  Naerbo, Norway

"I am amazed!  I don’t know why they work but they do."  R.K.  Morrilton, AR

"Very good impression"   V.C.  Leuven, Belgium

"Great I was surprised." L.R.R.  Converse, IN

"Excellent" R.S. Fahens, TX

"Very Good!"  B.S.  Hauge I D, Norway

"Exciting.  Up to now clean products and fresh!" G.L.  Bladel, Holland

"My experience and result is very good." E.S.  Sperrebotn, Norway

"Works just as good or better than detergent.  Friends and family have shown interest also." J.K. Middlebury, IN

"Amazed how it works!"  M.B. Ocala, FL

"Fantastic.  The clothes clean. The sheets soft."  D.P.  Kingsey Falls, Canada

"So far so good.  I’m pleased with the product."  M.B.P.  Mandal, Norway

"It’s clean, amazing, unbelievable"  J.V.D.D.  Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Perfect! I put a really dirty apron in hot water.  Clean as a whistle."
M.W. Miami, FL

"Very Good!" S.S.  Fevik, Norway

"My first laundry with it was the ultimate test: washable diapers!  They looked as new after."   H.C.  Waterloo, Quebec

"It’s so easy to use & the clothes look clean & smell clean!!  Thank You!!"
C.N.  Oxford, WI

"We think it’s a great product, and give us great pleasure and very good results, and we save lots of money on it!!"  G.S.N.  Figgjo, Norway

"The Life Miracle laundry system is really amazing it really does get your clothes clean!"  J.W.B.  Chicago, IL

"Isn’t science wonderful – the system is amazing – I look forward to helping others solve health and financial challenges." Y.B. Wallacetown, Ontario

"Impressed, clothes clean without soap." M.M.  Kr. Sand, Norway

"The product worked beautifully!" C.D. Lemon Grove, LA

"Clothes look clean.  Hard to believe!" T.C.  Canton, OH

"We find the product very effective and fantastic!" S.M.H.  Kristiansand, Norway

"Seems no different than using regular detergent except there’s no soap suds left in the sink."  L.H.  Sidney, NY

"It’s a good product - we don’t use soap anymore." A.B.J.  Sirevag, Norway

"It was great.  The clothes were just as clean as any other method of cleaning." M.F.  Medford, MA

"I am very satisfied and happy to help the environment." J.L.  Stittsville, Ontario

"Unbelievable product!"  D.W.  Menifee,  AR

"Really have been surprised on how great it works!!!" A.R. Whitelaw, WI

"Very good experience.  Satisfied!!!"  T.S.  AAlesund, Norway

"It makes laundry look and smell cleaner" M.M.  West Jordan, UT

"Very satisfied with not using chemicals.  I think everything is getting cleaner." I.W.  Stavanger, Norway

"Very much satisfied.  Excellent product everybody should have it."  J.C. Farmington, MO

"I was surprised – the clothes became clean and fresh and smoother.  Very Good!"   L.G.  Saltrod, Norway

"We are excited.  It was hard to believe that they work. This product will save tons of money."   Mr. K.  Lynwood, IL

"Love them!"  M.E.  Kitxhener, Ontario

"Took smell of deodorant out of uniforms.  Clothes are softer."  J.B. Ottawa, Ontario

"Totally cool!  I’m impressed.  Took out cat urine."  M.B.  Wellington, OH

"Excellent results – even with very dirty clothes." F.T. Trois-Rivieres, Quebec

"Really amazing! Clean clothes no static and saving the planet!"  Quebec, Canada

"I’ll admit I was doubtful at first, but your product ROCKS!"  S.H.  Toronto, Ontario

"The clothes were white & softer.  I’m impressed. "  J.E.M.  Del City, OK

"Tres-Bonne" D.G. St Apollinaire, Quebec

"Outstanding! No static, wrinkles hang out, no dryer sheet, it feels like velvet" C.S.  Wallace, WV

"I was amazed that my clothes smelled fresh & appeared clean.  I use the Laundry System every day."  S.M.  Goshen, OH

"We loved how it made our clothes feel soft & clean.  It was amazing how much old soap came out"  G.F.  Binghamton, NY

"I love it!  Thank you to make my life easier, to protect the earth and to make me save money!"  F.D.  Mascouche, Quebec

"My laundry is amazingly clean – even at 60 degrees C and while using the short program of the machine."  B.M. E. I.  Diepenveen, Netherlands

"Very impressed – one more step towards a healthier environment." G.C. Laval, Quebec

"I was amazed that the clothes came clean & also there was no static after drying" C.W.  Merrickville, Ontario

"Since we used this system, our clothes appear to come out as clean as before and we do not feel any allergies due to the detergent." A.P.. Ste-Martine, Quebec

"Good results, very like it!"   L.B.  Joliette, Canada

"So far so good, clothes are just as clean as using detergent." N.B. Collegeville, PA

"I am very satisfied – and talk about it to my neighbors" M.V. Mascouche, Canada

"I Interesting concept.  However they work I like them." I.W. Palos Park, IL

"It’s amazing!" R.M. Sherbrooke, Quebec

"I love it. This is my second set for my summer home." B.R. Grennfield, IN

"My associate told me about them.  I tried them and I love them!"  S.L. Morrilton, AR

"It’s a joy to clean without soap!" J.F.D.  Broment, Quebec

"We test them over and over again before we realized they really work.  My husband loves them." A.H. Hanna

"It works wonderful.  No more chemicals"  S.S. Juneau, WI

"Just great- thank you so much" LB Jocelyne

"After putting it in the washing machine with no soap the clothes came out as clean"  M.L. St.-Pierre Veronne Pike Rivei, Canada

"They work – I am a believer" A.H. Hattieville, AR

"Amazing – clean- like it a lot" York, PA

"It works perfectly" V.H.G.  Antwerp, Belgium

"Excellent product, very good , use them every day."  D.P. Sherbrooke, Quebec

"Super – very clean." Quebec, Canada

"Easy to use, clothes very fluffy" M.S. Comanche, TX

"Fantastic!" S.B.W.  Bailey, NC

"Very satisfied.  My laundry still in great appearance after each cycle." F.P.  Richelieu, Quebec

"I am very pleased with the result!!!" C & L Tongerlo, Belgium

"Fantastic, everything is clean" D.  Gistel, Belgium

"It’s a wonderful purchase.  I got a very good result and I don’t regret and will recommend to my friends.  And I save a lot of money!" M.D. Beauport, Canada

"Clothes are softer, real colour." F.G. Lac St. Paul, Quebec

"Very satisfying" K.Z.  St Sophie, Canada

"Wonderful – Thank You."  G.A. Beloeil, Quebec

"I am satisfied, they really work"  C.K. Hattieville, AR

"I am delighted. The amount of water is half less." R.T. Honfleur, Quebec

"I am really satisfied"  T.L. Laval, Canada

"So far, equivalent to using powder detergent"  L.K.  Mililani, HI

"Excellent – so easy – very impressed" D.G.  Temecula, CA

"Very satisfied! Clean clothes, no perfume smell, good for the environment." E.I.J. Lomvassvn, Norway

"Fantastic, slipped and fell on grass, took out the grass stain completely." L.M. Ottawa, Ontario

"I very pleased with the product."  R.E. Birkeland, Norway

"My clothes smelled good and came out good." J.B. Brentwood, CA

"I am very satisfied with the product." T.B.  Birkeland, Norway

"They work wonderfully" D.M.  Smallow Lake, Ontario

"Functions very well, no problems!"  I.V. Notodden, Norway

"I was happy because it really worked."  A.J.CM.  DenHaag, Netherlands

"I found it to do just as the pamphlet said it would, have been well satisfied." R.C.H. Barboursville, WV

"A Revolution!"  E.S.S.  Gjengsto, Norway

"Cleaner Clothes."  K.H.  Mandal, Norway

"Phenomenal, give mea good feeling by being good to the environment."
H.G.  Alesund, Norway

"Amazing concept" R.T. Hommersak, Norway

"It’s a pleasure doing the washing, I am very pleased!!" H.E.H.  Vennesla, Norway

"It’s very good for the environment and I like it." B.C. Notre Dame du Mont Carmel, Canada

"Great, surprised me" R.M.  Albanel, Quebec

"Laundry gets soft, cleaner and I save money on soap." V.S.  Naustdal, Norway

"I like it very much and no more soap to buy." J.C.  Lac Au Saumon, Quebec

"Very good experience!"  M.T.E.  Hjelmeland, Norway

"Love it! Please send me three more." I.O.  Syosset, NY

"My washing was clean and soft." M.Z. Westonana, South Africa

"I am very satisfied." F.S.  Grimstad, Norway

"Magnets work great." G.C.  Calgary, Alberta, Canada

“Each year, laundry product formulators use billions of pounds of chemical ingredients to make cleaning products. Ultimately, laundries release these chemicals to the environment in their waste water. The EPA is concerned about the effect chemicals in the waste water might have on the quality of aquatic and sediment life, the biodegradability of laundry effluents and laundry worker health and safety.
--United States Environmental Protection Agency


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