Tuesday, February 9, 2010

U.S. EPA List Of Laundry Detergent Ingredients

Some of the Known Laundry Detergent Ingredients and Key Characteristics of Concern According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency

Synthetic Petrochemical Surfactants:

Key Characteristic of Concern: Toxicity to aquatic organisms, like fish (vertebrates), daphnids (invertebrates) and algae; persistence in the environment; toxicity of biodegradation byproducts.

Example: Alkylphenol ethoxylates--biodegrade under anaerobic conditions to alkylphenols, which persist in the environment, have high toxicity to aquatic organisms, and may be endocrine disruptors (compounds that adversely affect the endocrine system that controls metabolism, reproduction, and growth).


Key Characteristic of Concern: Potential to cause eutrophication in fresh water (eutrophication is the process by which a body of water becomes rich in dissolved nutrients, diminishing oxygen levels and a water body's ability to support various forms of aquatic life).

Example: Inorganic phosphates.


Key Characteristic of Concern: Inherent toxicity and toxic byproducts.


Sodium hypochlorite, which can form hazardous gases and chlorinated organic byproducts; may also damage fibers in clothing and fabrics, which can lead to the generation of excess lint, a potential fire hazard during drying; Sodium perborate, which can present both human health and ecological concerns; and Dichloro-isocyanurate 
may form toxic gas, nitrogen-trichloride, a threat to human health.


Key Characteristic of Concern: Toxicity. Studies indicate that certain colorants may cause cancer or other adverse health effects in humans (e..g., Rhodamine B). Metalized dyes present health and environmental concerns.

Optical Brighteners:

Key Characteristic of Concern: Potential toxicity to humans.

Examples: Aminotriazine- or stilbene-based whiteners. Toxicity data indicate that these compounds may cause developmental and reproductive effects, but additional testing is needed to confirm these concerns.


Key Characteristic of Concern: Toxicity to humans and aquatic organisms.

Examples: For human health concerns, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether; for environmental concerns, d-limonene.

Wash Water:

Key Characteristic of Concern: Highly caustic or acidic wash environments; may cause severe irritation or burns to living tissue in humans or aquatic organisms.

Example: High alkaline breaks, low pH sours. Highly alkaline ingredients can lead to alkaline hydrolysis on polyester fibers, shortening linen life. Extreme pH effluents may also damage pipes and sewer lines.

Resource Efficiency:

Key Characteristic of Concern: Overuse of water and energy. Detergent formulations that require high temperatures and multiple rinse cycles deplete increasingly scarce natural resources.

Petrochemical Based Plastic Packaging:

Key Characteristic of Concern: Non-reusable or non-recyclable containers.

One Common Surfactant In U.S. Laundry Detergents Not Listed By the EPA Is 

Nonylphenol Ethoxylate (NPE). This chemical has been banned in the European Union and Canada in detergents, and was found to slowly biodegrade into even more toxic compounds. 

Extensive research indicates that NPE metabolites interfere with the hormones of fish and shellfish, thus affecting nearly every cell and organ in the body. Exposure to NPE metabolites causes organisms to develop both male and female sex organs; increases mortality and damage to the liver and kidney; decreases testicular growth and sperm counts in male fish; and disrupts normal male to female sex-ratios, metabolism, development, growth, and reproduction.

Canada and the European Union have banned the use of NPEs in detergents, as NPE metabolites are toxic and their use “may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment or its biological diversity.” In 2004 alone, more than 260 million pounds of NP was used in the U.S.

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